Welcome graphic

The goal of this web site is to help our family stay connected even though we live so far apart spread across the world, Israel, France, England, USA, Canada, South Africa and Brazil.

In this site I will try to update everyone of what is happening in the family, starting with Simchos (births, Bar\Bat Mitzvos and Weddings). 

I would also like to put on some interesting family photos and documents, and to have a family tree of all the relatives we know.

Most of this information I obtained from talking to living relatives and from researching public records. In the course of doing this research, I've discovered that I have many more relatives than I ever thought possible!

This is a work in progress, so please contact me if you have any information that might help round out the picture.




Press here for the family tree


Mazel Tov's

Yitzchok and Rochel Wagner for becoming the Rebbe's Shluchim to Richmond Cailfornia.

Shimon and Chani Gruzman on the birth of their twin girls (6 Av).


Upcoming Simchos

Bar Mitzva celebration of Mendy Greenberg (Buffalo) on the 12th of Av (August 16th) in Buffalo, NY



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